
Client agrees to pay MPC for Work on a time and materials basis in accordance with the then-current Schedule of fees and charges. The current schedules are set fmth in Exhibit A attached hereto; which list the applicable rates for personnel, equipment, transportation, materials and disposal costs. Charges commence upon noti•cation to proceed and terminate at conclusion of operation. Charges will include, but are not limited to, time required for transport of personnel, materials, and equipment to and from the work site; labor, materials, and equipment necessary for clean-up; labor, equipment and materials necessary to transport wastes to a treatment, storage, or disposal facility and off—load the wastes; and decontamination of equipment upon completion of the work. Minimum call out time for emergency sewices is six (6) hours and for non-emergency services is four (4) hours per person and equipment.

(b) Client agrees to pay each one ofMPC's invoices within thirty (30) days

after the date ofeach respective invoice. Should Client become delinquent in payment of any sum due MPC, MPC reserves the right to immediately discontinue performance of any remaining work that needs to be completed hereunder. Notwithstanding any such discontinuance of services, Client shall pay MPC for all services rendered by MPG to date of discontinue of service. Further, a service charge oftwo percent (2%) per month shall be charged on all balances not paid within thirty (30) days from the date of each invoice.


If MPC retains an attorney to collect

any delinquent invoices, Client also agrees to pay MPC all of its costs and expenses, from Client.

including reasonable attorney fees, incurred

in collecting amounts due

(d) Before MPC commences work, Client may be required

to pay a retainer to MPG, which will be applied against charges for services

rendered by MPC. Depending upon the expenses and

duration ofthe work, additional retainers may be required. Any unearned balance ofthe retainer shall be refunded after the work has been completed.

(e) The parties agree that this Contract incmporates a debt incurred in the ordinary course of business or •nancial affairs of the purchaser; that all payments made on this Contract will be made in the ordinary course of business and •nancial affairs of each other; that all payments will be made according to the ordinary business terms of each other and in the industry.

shall furnish, at the end of each working day, a Daily

Work Sheet which sets forth the number of MPC's personnel working that day and the number of

hours each one worked, as well as equipment and materials utilized that day. Client shall designate an authorized representative to receive, review and sign the Daily Work Sheet(s) for

each day’s services. Once the Daily Work Sheet(s) have been presented, Client shall sign and return the Daily Work Sheet(s) to MPC's on-site representative. Client shall note on each Work Sheet any errors or dispute as to any entry that it may identify and the parties will promptly endeavor to resolve any such dispute. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, whether a Daily Work Sheet is signed or not signed by the Client, the Daily Work Sheet will be used by MPG to prepare its’ invoices for the Client.