Ambassador Bridge

f. The supervisorat the scene of the emergency/accident/spill, shall communicate with the Command Centerto advising emergencyvehicle(s) that are necessary. The remaining emergencyvehicles shall be staged onthesideof the plaza.

g. The CommandCenter, based on cameraviews, traffic movement and emergency/accident/spill location, will communicate with plaza traffic staff on the quickest pathway to the emergency/accident/spill. All emergency vehicles shall be directed to the most appropriate route, for example some emergency vehicles may be required to access the site through CBP Auto or CBP Commercial. In the event that the Huron Line entranceis blocked the emergencyvehicles may need to enter Wyandotte Street or the wrong way through CBSA.

5.0 Communications

All personnelnotdirectly involved in the emergencyshall be required to keep communicationlines andradiolines clear. All emergency messages and communicationsshall be short and concise so that everyone with a messagerelating to the emergencycanutilize the radio. Everyone should always remain calm and Bridge personnel must work together to secure the area and resolvethesituation as quickly as possible.

a. All communication other than 2-way radio communication will go through the

CommandCenter. Theywill be the Incident Command Centerduring the emergency/accident/spill.

6.1 Emergency Response- Accidents and/orSpills


caseof an accidentora


Bridge personnel shall be required to take the following actions: