Dear Mr.


This letter is in response to your email dated May 22,

2020, regarding the Michigan Departrmr ent of Transportation’s (MDOT) process to consider lifting the restriction and allowing the Detroit International Bridge Company (DIBC) to transport hazardous material across the Ambassador Bridge as a regular business practice. To help us evaluate your request, DIBC will need to gather information in two categories: (1) Technical, and (2) Community Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement. These are part of the federal standards applied when considering a change tco existing routing designations (49 CFR 397.71). Once DIBC has gathered all the requested information, MDOT would then require a formal request to change the existing designations.

During our last conference call, you indicated that DIBC has installed a fire suppression system on the Ambassador Bridge. Our review of the 2018 annual Ambassador Bridge detailed inspect tion report did not note the presence of such a system. This may be attributed to being overlooked because we were not aware that the system had been installed. or perhaps DIBC installed tihe system on the bridge after the 2018 inspection had been completed. If so, DIBC may want to prepare to share the following information:

System Cagacity:

1. Types and quantities of the placarded non-radiologicai hazardous using the DIBC as the primary route.

material expected to be

F".-b Specify any locations of fire hydrants installed and the type of spacing

per applicable


LH—LAN-O (01/19)