October 19, 2020
City Council Meeting
Item 7.2
Additional Information
From: David Dragich
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2020 10:46 AM
To: Toldo, Beth <toldob@citywindsor.ca>; clerks <clerks@citywindsor.ca>
Subject: City of Windsor - Council Meeting Mon. Oct. 19

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Dear Council Members:

I am making this written submission with respect to item 7.2 regarding Roseland Golf & Curling Club for the above-referenced meeting. I agree with the report given to Council that conducting curling at a location other than Roseland is not workable.

I have a long history with Roseland Golf and Curling Club. I contacted the Roseland Board of Directors (see attached correspondence) to explore options regarding leasing the operations. I received the attached response from the Roseland Board of Directors which refused to even meet or discuss the matter to explore possible scenarios and options. I have a passion for Roseland and a desire to expand services, reduce losses and invest in the infrastructure. I am looking for a mutually beneficial opportunity with the City of Windsor. My specialty in business over the last 20 years is working with distressed companies, and helping them restructure their finances and operations to achieve a fresh start and transition into a positive outcome.

I grew up in South Windsor, a short distance from the course and either walked or rode my bike to Roseland thousands of times. I was a junior member at the Par 3 course and a Roseland and Little River junior golf member. I won the Essex-Kent Junior Boys golf championship at Roseland twice (1989 and 1990). I have curled there as a teen and as an adult.

I was hired by Paul Meloche and worked at Roseland throughout high school and university (and one year of law school) in the golf pro shop and in the curling rink. I have had many family celebrations in the dining room and throughout the facility. My late father George Dragich worked at Roseland for many years after