Phase 1 Municipal Op Transit
Draft template and guidelines TBD 22-Sep-20
Webinar TBD 23-Sep-20
Final template and guidelines TBD 5-Oct-20
Phase 1 Funding Received not received 30-Sep-20
Phase 1 Reporting submission date TBD 13-Nov-20
Phase 2 Municipal Relief Transit Relief
Draft template, guidelines and TPA 2-Oct-20 TBD
Webinar 5-Oct-20 TBD
Final Template, guidelines and TPA 2-Oct-20 TBD
Submission due date 6-Nov-20 TBD
Notification of funding date 31-Dec-20 TBD
Receipt of approved Phase 2 funding 2021 2021

The requirements for the transit Phase 1 submission were reviewed and are well underway. While the City requested an extension to November 13th, Administration is able to achieve this original date based on what the Phase 1 documentation for transit requires.

The required documentation for requesting municipal operating Phase 2 funding however is extremely complex and very detailed. It requires the City to provide their 2020 operating budget, September 30th actuals and forecasted variance to end of year. While this is a good volume of work in and of itself, there is the added complexity of having to provide this information in the very detailed format similar of the annual Financial Information Returns. This process is used annually for our yearend submission to the province and normally takes several weeks to complete.

In order to proceed with seeking additional funding under Phase 2 and given the extensive work required to complete the submission documents, Administration has considered the impact this would have on other work as well as what potential risks and opportunities the submission provides to the City.

City Council will receive an updated 2020 Q3 variance report and projection to yearend at the November 9th City Council meeting. Given the Phase 1 financial relief allocations which have already been provided to the City by the Province, it is expected that the City’s projected year-end deficit will be significantly improved from the $29.7M amount reported back in July. The City does however face some unique and significant financial challenges with its Government Business Enterprises, which are not directly reflected in