This report is to update City Council on these programs as well as the approach and demands related to pursuing Phase 2 funding for the municipal operational program. At the time of writing this report the guidelines and requirements relative to submission of Phase 2 under the transit stream have not yet been released.


The two programs under Safe Restart are being managed by separate ministries of the Province. The municipal operating stream is managed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing while the transit stream is being managed by the Ministry of Transportation.

The table below outlines the various key activities for both streams. It should be noted that letters for both programs were received at the same time and the City provided the required acknowledgement letters by September 2nd, 9 days in advance of required due date of September 11th.

As is also outlined in the table below, the City did not receive direction on what information was required to be submitted by October 31, 2020 until October 2nd for the municipal operational stream and September 22nd for the transit stream (noting the final version for this program was received October 5th ). Due to the timing of receiving this information Administration immediately requested, and have now been approved, for the optional extended deadline of November 6th for the municipal funding stream and November 13th for transit funding stream.

It is noted that the municipal operational stream November 6th submission deadline is to provide required documentation to request Phase 2 funding. Further information from the Province relative to the requirements for reporting how Phase 1 funding was used is expected to be received in Q1 2021.

The transit stream documentation required for November 13th is to outline how the Phase 1 funding under this program has been used. The documentation on what is required to submit for Phase 2 funding under the transit stream is not yet available and communication from the province indicate that we should expect this in the fall 2020.

General Timelines Municipal Relief Transit Relief
Public Announcement 27-Jul-20 27-Jul-20
Communication Letter to Mayor 12-Aug-20 12-Aug-20
Council Meeting 24-Aug-20 24-Aug-20
Acknowledgment letter submission 2-Sep-20 2-Sep-20
Request For Extension submission 2-Oct-20 30-Sep-20