City Council
Monday, September 28, 2020

Jenny Kell, Resident

Jenny Kell, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, asking what current studies support this extension and concludes by stressing the need for exemptions.

Currie Soullierre, Resident

Currie Soullierre, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, stating that everyone should be able to make their own informed choice, and suggests that there is a lack of evidence that masks decrease the spread of the virus and reminds everyone that this “treatment” must be accompanied by “consent of treatment”.

Catherine Carter, Resident

Catherine Carter, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, stating that the proposed by-law extension is a draconian measure with lack of proper consultation and that its adoption would further jeopardize already struggling businesses and concludes by asking that politicians show neutrality rather than divide.

Derek Soullierre, Resident

Derek Soullierre, resident, appears before Council to speak in opposition to the proposed extension of the by-law pertaining to the wearing of non-medical face coverings, suggesting that this is a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and reminds everyone that the subject by-law has expired and should remain as such.

Moved by: Councillor Costante
Seconded by: Councillor Sleiman

Decision Number: CR497/2020

That the results of the email poll conducted by the Deputy City Clerk on September 24, 2020, BE CONFIRMED AND RATIFIED:

That by-law 123-2020 pertaining to the wearing of Non-Medical Face Coverings BE AMENDED as follows:


This By-law shall come into force immediately upon the passing thereof, and is deemed to be no longer in effect and revoked at 12:01 a.m. on September 28, 2020, unless extended by City Council.