Climate Risk

Climate Change Mitigation Risk: Construction will result in GHG emissions that are accounted for within the Community GHG emissions inventory. Construction emissions in general will be offset by improved drivability and functionality of the infrastructure. Upgrading various park fleet assets will result in more current technology which generally should result in lower GHG emissions.

Climate Change Adaptation Risk: The life and service levels of roads, sewer and park infrastructure may be impacted by a number of climate variables including temperature extremes and precipitation. Sewer and drainage work should assist in maintaining these assets in good working condition during significant precipitation. Maintaining these assets in good/excellent condition increases the resiliency of the infrastructure.

Financial Matters:

The recommended projects noted in Appendix “A” total $15,646,476 in 2021 funding. The majority of the funding $15,530,000 was previously approved in principle in the 2020 8 year capital budget. An additional amount of $116,478 from the Parks Equipment Reserve (Fund 197) is being requested to address all of the units identified in Appendix A as priority for replacement.

It should be noted that the majority of the funding sources for the $15,646,476, in particular sewer surcharge, development charges and federal gas tax, have limited flexibility in the types of projects which they can be used for. Appendix A provides details on the specific funding sources for each project. The pre-approval of this funding is consistent with the current capital budget guidelines in that these assets require replacement, and in some cases if they fail will reduce current service levels expected. In addition, tendering during the Fall of 2020 will ensure better pricing then what we usually see for tenders in Spring / Summer.


Chris Manzon – ENWIN Utilities

Melissa Osborne – Senior Manager of Asset Planning

Alex Vucinic – Purchasing Manager

Dwayne Dawson – Executive Director of Operations/Deputy City Engineer

Heidi Baillargeon – Manager of Parks Development

Derek Thachuk – Manager, Parks and Facilities Assets and Projects

Angela Marazita – Manager, Fleet Operations


In order to take advantage of competitive pricing for early 2021, it is recommended that

Council approve the pre-commitment of $15,646,476.00. The recommended projects