Item No. 11.5

Council Report: C 199/2020

Subject: 2021 Capital Budget Pre-Approval – City Wide


Date to Council: 10/19/2020
Author: Fahd Mikhael
Manager of Design and Development
(519) 255-6257 ext. 6734
Engineering Department

Design and Development
Report Date: 10/5/2020
Clerk’s File #: AFB/13698

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


I. That City Council PRE-COMMIT an amount of $15,530,000 in 2021 funding previously approved in principle in the 2020 8-Year Capital Budget, as well as an additional $116,476 in 2021 funding from the Parks Equipment Replacement Reserve (Fund 197) for the Parks Equipment Replacement, for immediate use in order to take advantage of competitive bidding, and as detailed in Appendix A.

Executive Summary:


In the fall of each year Administration brings forward a report requesting pre-approval of capital budget funding for specific projects which have approved in principle funding for the next year. Early approval of capital projects allows three important things:

  1. Maximize the number of competitive bids, thus reducing the cost to the City, and

  2. Allows for construction to be completed during the best weather, reducing construction time costs, City exposure to claims and ensuring completion in the construction season. This also allows for engineering and Ministry of Environment Approvals to be completed earlier.