Item No. 11.4

Council Report: C 193/2020

Subject: Connecting Links Program Intake 6 (2021-2022) Grant Funding

- Huron Church Road


Date to Council: October 19, 2020
Author: Luigi Congi
Asset Coordinator
519-255-6100 ext. 6136
Asset Planning
Report Date: September 28, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SW/12414

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. THAT City Council AUTHORIZE the Chief Administrative Officer to submit an application for the project outlined in this report, to the Connecting Links Program 2021-22 subject to the documents being satisfactory in technical content to the City Engineer and in financial content to the City Treasurer; and,

  2. THAT City Council APPROVE the recommended funding sources as identified in the Financial Matters section of this report for the City portion of the eligible project costs and any ineligible costs and funding be moved to the Connecting Links Intake 6 project (OPS-002-21) and all funding BE DEEMED as placeholder funding; and,

  3. THAT in the event the City receives written confirmation of the Grant funding being awarded to the City, that City Council APPROVES the following:

    1. THAT City Council PRECOMMIT the funding for the Connecting Links Intake 6 capital project (OPS-002-21) so that these funds are available for immediate use:

      1. 2022 Funding: $825,000

      2. 2023 Funding: $1,500,000

      3. 2024 Funding: $2,500,000

      4. 2025 Funding: $500,000

    2. THAT the funding identified in 2026 BE DEEMED precommitted and available for immediate use once funding falls within the 5 years, which would be 2022:

      1. 2026 Funding $310,255