Staff will examine whether the City has the necessary tools to address complaints, including complaints about short—term rentals in condominiums. Staff will also examine concerns raised about safety concerns in neighbourhoods.


A key element of the work program involves consultation with residents, business owners, and key stakeholders as outlined below to collect their perspectives on short- term rentals and their opinions about options to regulate. This process will be broad and inclusive and provide significant opportunity for all interested parties to share their opinions.

Consultation will begin in the first quarter of 2017 through community meetings. stakeholder meetings, an online survey, and may also be done via phone survey. The process will be transparent to the public and stakeholders; regular updates will be shared with interested residents, business owners and stakeholders via the project website.

Key stakeholders to be consulted include, but are not limited to:

Options for potential regulation

Staff will examine potential options for regulating short-term rentals in Toronto, including a licensing system. updated zoning by-Iaws, additional tax requirements and other

Developing an approach to regulating short-term rentals