off-street parking is available within the vicinity of the short term rental property. parking plan identifying one on-street or off-street parking space for each guest room. The parking plan must be posted within the guest room  

A number of recommended regulations set out above require a licensing regime for implementation. There are a number of options available for Council to consider when establishing a licensing regime for the STR market in Windsor. Administration has identified 8 generalised options that may work for Windsor, a summary of which is outlined in Table 3 below and ordered from least to most cumbersome. It is expected that any regulation will result in some cost, with the options below ranging from the tens of thousands, to hundreds of thousands of dollars. It must be noted that the below assumes an estimated 200 STR hosts operating in the City. As with the regulatory framework, Administration will bring forward an additional report outlining the detailed implementation plan(s) and detailed budgetary breakdowns for the chosen licensing option(s).

Table 3: Licensing Options For Implementation of Recommended Regulatory Framework
Option Description Explanation ProjectedBudgetaryImpact
1 Licencing only the operating platform with the caveat that providers (or ‘Hosts’) on platforms meet specific requirements as outlined by the City. Similar to the current licensing regime used with Uber Low
2 Licencing the operating platform and keeping a registry of all providers. Providers pay a small fee to register. Used in the Toronto example as well as mid-sized cities Low
3 Licencing the operating platform and the platform providers at reduced rates with various requirements, generally with no inspections performed but signed declaration of safety, fire plans provided, proof of smoke alarms, etc. Popular method in larger tourism areas Moderate
4 Licensing only the platform providers at reduced rates with various requirements, generally with no inspections preformed but signed declaration of safety, fire plans provided, proof of smoke alarms, etc.   Moderate