My conclusion here is simply this: Even though the Code of Conduct was amended only three years ago, we need to revisit it to ensure that it complies with Provincial law and is working in an effective and efficient manner.


  1. Since the last Report to Council, a great deal of effort has been expended on an enhanced program of post-Election Education and Training for Members of Council as well as members of Agencies, Boards, Committees, and Commissions (ABCs) appointed by Council and to the Boards of Business Improvement Areas;

  2. Regarding the Integrity Commissioner’s Advice function, I would conclude that there seems to have been an increase in the number of Requests for Advice and instances of Brief Advice. In my view, this is a positive development;

  3. Regarding the Integrity Commission’s Complaint Investigation and Adjudication function, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) There has not been an increase in Complaints, although this reporting period included a Municipal Election; (2) All but one of the seven new Complaints involved a Member of Council; (3) About half of the Complaints are denied for either a lack of jurisdiction or a refusal to accept jurisdiction; (4) The Informal Complaint process remains an important option for some Complainants; and (5) All Complaint files carried over from the previous reporting period as well as new Complaints received during the reporting period have been closed. New Complaint files have been received in 2020;

  4. My conclusion is that Members of Council and members of Agencies, Boards, Commissions, and Committees in our City conduct themselves in a highly professional manner and live up to their commitments under the Code of Conduct to “protect and maintain the City of Windsor’s reputation and integrity”; and

  5. Regarding the Policy function, a renewed examination of the Code of Conduct seems to be in order.