New Cases:

Seven (7) new Complaint files were opened between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2019. Of these seven cases, all but one involved Members of Council. Once again, it should be noted that this two-year reporting period included the last Municipal Election held on October 22nd, 2018 and that, effectively, no activity took place from June 30th until after the initial Meeting of the new Council, which, I believe, was held in early December. [Update: One new Complaint files have been opened since January 1st, 2020. This file remained open as on June 30th.]

Cases Closed:

Nine (9) Complaint files were closed between January 1st, 2018 and December 31st, 2019. One case resulted in a Report to Council. Council adopted the sanctions of Reprimand and Apology recommended by the Integrity Commissioner. In two cases, the matters were, to a greater or lesser extent, resolved through the Informal Complaint Process; in three other cases, jurisdiction was either refused or denied; and in three Files, the Complaint was denied with reasons provided.

Brief Service: There were approximately fifteen instances of "Brief Service". "Brief Service" constitutes instances where an individual has contacted the Integrity Commissioner, but no Formal or Informal Complaint has been initiated and no File has been opened. This may occur because the concern is plainly outside the jurisdiction of the Integrity Commissioner or because the alleged complaint is clearly not a violation of the Code of Conduct or because the individual is simply seeking information. In some instances, the answer provided ends the matter; in other instances, a referral may be made to a more appropriate entity or individual. In some instances, the individual is advised on the procedure for making a formal Complaint although, ultimately, no formal Complaint is received. The phrase "Brief Service" does not denote the amount of