they were committed to abiding by its terms. It is my understanding that all attendees signed the Statement of Commitment to the Code of Conduct. These were, in my opinion, very effective sessions because they brought home to those in attendance the centrality of integrity in the exercise of their duties as public office holders. I believe that this new program of Education and Training, developed by the Council Service Office, should continue to be a central piece in the education and training of both elected Members of Council and those who volunteer their time on behalf of the community.

An Education and Training session was also held for the Boards of Directors of the Enwin Companies. Once again, a new set of materials was developed with some adaptation for the context of a municipally owned utility which, in the case of Enwin, also manages services for the Windsor Utilities Commission. Once again, members of the Boards were provided with information on the Office of the Integrity Commissioner and training on the Code of Conduct and the Complaints Protocol. From my perspective, this was a useful meeting as well.

As a general comment, I would say that the Educational aspect of the duties of the Integrity Commissioner is extremely important, especially in the period following a municipal election. Not only might there be newly elected Members of Council, but this is also the time when we replenish the membership of our Agencies, Boards, Commissions, and Committees. It is, effectively, the first line of defense against potential violations of the Code of Conduct and, now, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. I have often said – perhaps too often – if we get to the point where I am compelled to issue a Report to Council concerning a breach of the Code of Conduct, then we have failed. The first line of prevention is Education and Training.


There have been no community educational or informational sessions during this reporting period. It has become a regular occurrence, however, to make a presentation in the Municipal Law class at the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor. The class is held in the Fall term. I made