History of The Office of Municipal Integrity Commissioner:

The Office of Municipal Integrity Commissioner came into existence in the Province of Ontario with amendments to the Municipal Act, effective January 1st, 2007. Pursuant to the amendments to the Municipal Act, the City of Windsor created the Office of the Integrity Commissioner in 2007 and, in 2008, established a Code of Conduct for Members of Council, including the Mayor, and the members of certain Local Boards. On June 7th, 2011, City Council passed a new Procedural By-law for City Council and its Committees and the Conduct of its Members. Part 14.1(a) provides that Members of Council as well as City committees, agencies, boards and commissions shall act in accordance with the Code of Conduct which is set out in Appendix B to the Procedural By-law. The Code of Conduct notes that the purpose is to improve the quality of public administration and governance by encouraging high standards of conduct on the part of government officials and, thereby, protect and maintain the reputation and integrity of the City of Windsor.

Effective August 1st, 2011, I assumed the Office of Integrity Commissioner for the City of Windsor. One of my first tasks was to develop a set of procedures for the handling of

Complaints under the Code of Conduct. Consequently, the Complaint Protocol for Members of Council and Others Governed by the Code of Conduct was presented to Council and adopted