Financial Matters:

The cost estimate (excluding HST) for completing the proposed Phase 2 ESA study is $31,175. If approved, the maximum grant would total $15,000. Should the actual costs of the study be less than what has been estimated the grant payments would be based on the lower amount. The grants would be paid out of the Brownfield Strategy / Remediation Account (project # 7069003), which has a current uncommitted balance of $621,611.


The development and approval of the Brownfield Redevelopment CIP was subject to extensive stakeholder and public consultation, which sought input from a wide range of stakeholders and internal City departments.

Planning staff have consulted with the applicant prior to accepting the application for the Environmental Study Grant program. Staff from the Planning, Finance, and Legal Departments were consulted in the preparation of this report.


City Staff recommend Council approve the request from 2236278 Ontario Ltd. to participate in the Environmental Site Assessment Grant Program. In the opinion of planning staff, the proposed study conforms to the Brownfield Redevelopment CIP and assists the City in the achievement of a number of the CIP goals.

Planning Act Matters:


Name Title
Don Nantais Financial Planning Administrator
Michael Cooke Manager Planning Policy/Deputy City Planner
Thom Hunt City Planner
Wira Vendrasco Deputy City Solicitor
Shelby Askin Hager City Solicitor
Dan Seguin On behalf of City Treasurer
Onorio Colucci Chief Administrative Officer