Council Report: S 115/2020

Subject: 3203 Peter Street, Mason-Girardot Manor -Community Heritage Fund Request (Ward 2)


Date to Council: September 21, 2020
Author: Kristina Tang
Heritage Planner
Planning & Building Services
Planning & Building Services
Report Date: September 2, 2020
Clerk’s File #: MBA2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


THAT the request by Aléthinos Properties Ltd, the owners of 3203 Peter Street, Mason-Girardot Manor, for a grant of an upset amount of $23,943.54 from the Community Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 157), for the repair and replacement of windows, BE APPROVED, subject to:

  1. Determination by the Chief Building Official (if part of building permit) and the City Planner that the work is completed to applicable codes and heritage conservation standards;
  2. Owner’s submission of paid receipts for work completed;
  3. That the Community Heritage Fund (Reserve Fund 157) grants approved shall lapse if the applicant has not completed the work and fulfilled the conditions within 2 years of the approval date. 

Executive Summary:


The Manor is located on a corner intersection of Peter Street and Mill Street, just outside of the boundary of the Sandwich Heritage Conservation District. It is one of the first individually heritage designated properties in the City. This 1878 construction of Italianate/Victorian style was designated by Bylaw 5896 on February 6, 1978. Appendix A contains the reasons for designation and expanded heritage description (not part of the Bylaw).