Appearance of Tecumseh Street Entrance

(though not required) to consider a reconstruction based on the original architectural drawings. The original design show the pillars stacked with slightly concentrically smaller tops, emphasizing the vertically of Art Deco designs. While there are provisions in the Ontario Building Code for designated heritage properties to be exempted from the regular Building Code requirements (after qualification), the change to the step heights can be accepted. The condition of the concrete at the Tecumseh Road West is not as severe as Victoria Avenue and has been determined to be repairable. The Church has expressed that cracks will be sealed and handrail reinstalled at the Tecumseh Road West entrance. The conditions of the alteration application include delegation of authority to City staff to ensure the restoration of the concrete entrances. The expectation is that the essential shape and form of the concrete steps at Victoria Avenue entrance would revert to original design style despite the change in step height which can remain. Type of handrail and the pillar design are also to be confirmed and approved by City staff prior to work start.

Tecumseh Road entrance

The Church also has plans to consider accessibility accomodations at one (or more) of the property’s entrances. It has not been determined if the Victoria Entrance would be made accessible but that change would need to be reviewed by Heritage Committee/Council as a separate Heritage Alteration Permit application.