Google’s Bird’s eye view of the property from Tecumseh Rd W (left) and Victoria Avenue (right)

Since mid-July of 2020, there has been discussion with the Church representative Father Chadi Khattan (who has a background in architecture and is managing the work needed), about the condition, repairs and alterations needed at the property. The Heritage Planner and Planner III- Sr. Urban Designer (Adam Coates) attended the site to observe the situation and discuss options with Father Chadi. Unfortunately, the church structures have experienced significant water penetration issues through the roof and windows. The church concrete entrances have also deteriorated. The water leaks required urgent attention as it was also causing damage to interior designated features, therefore some the roofing and metal flashing work were conducted prior to consultation with the City. The masonry work and window painting were discussed with City staff (conservation notes provided and mock-up) prior to start.

During the writing of this report in late August/early September, Father Chadi informed the window painting, caulking work, and some of the storm window installation to be in progress to be followed by brick repairs. The owner was advised that a Heritage Alteration Approval was required for the flashings proposed over the windows before that work could begin. Subsequently on August 31, 2020, City Staff was made aware that the Victoria Avenue concrete entrance had been altered after a site visit. It was later explained by the Church that the repairs to the Victoria concrete entrance had evolved into a complete replacement of the stairs and the plans are to reconstruct the steps to original design (details discussed in later sections). Nevertheless, this work is considered a Heritage Alteration. The Owner submitted the Built Heritage Fund request (Appendix B) and Heritage Alteration Permit application (Appendix C) and to the City on September 3, 2020.

The Church plans to also request separately for further alterations to accommodate accessibility needs at a later date. Due to the large number of building condition issues to address on this property, the Father Chadi has indicated plans for a structural engineer to conduct a comprehensive building condition assessment of the property to determine further short-term, medium and long-term plans. City staff would encourage the Church to engage in a qualified professional with heritage expertise to conduct the assessment.

Legal Provisions:

The Ontario Heritage Act (OHA) requires the owner of a heritage designated property to apply to Council to alter the property. The designation by-law includes reasons for designation (see Appendix ‘A’). In accordance with the OHA, changes to designated property that affect reasons for designation must be considered by City Council after consulting with the municipal Heritage Committee. Council has the option of granting consent with or without terms and conditions, or refusing the application within 90 days of the application.

Part IV, 39 (1) of the OHA provides that “The council of a municipality may pass by-laws providing for the making of a grant or loan to the owner of a property designated under this Part for the purpose of paying for the whole or any part of the cost of alteration of such designated property on such terms and conditions as the council may prescribe.”