6.5.3 Commercial Corridor Policies
The Commercial Corridor land use designation is intended for areas which are designed for vehicle oriented commercial uses. Commercial Corridors take the form of commercial strips along Arterial and Collector roads within Windsor. The intent of the following policies is to strengthen identified Commercial Corridors for retail and service uses.
PERMITTED USES Uses permitted in the Commercial Corridor land use designation are primarily retail, wholesale store (added by OPA 58, 24 07 2006) and service oriented uses and, to a lesser extent, office uses.
ANCILLARY USES In addition to the uses permitted above, Council may permit the following ancillary uses in areas designated as Commercial Corridor on Schedule D: Land Use without requiring an amendment to this Plan:
- adult entertainment parlours provided that:
- such uses are a minimum of 150 metres from lands used or zoned for residential, institutional or open space purposes; and
- policy is satisfied, with the exception that the proponent demonstrate that the proposal’s market impact is acceptable; and
b Open Space uses subject to the policies of section 6.7.
STREET PRESENCE Council will encourage Commercial Corridor development to provide a continuous street frontage and presence. Accordingly, development along a Commercial Corridor shall be:
no more than two storeys in height, except on lands immediately adjacent to an intersection with a Class I or Class II Arterial Road or Class I or Class II Collector Road where the height of the building(s) may be no more than six storeys in height; and
encouraged to locate the buildings at the street frontage lot line with parking accommodated at the rear of the site.
INFILL & CONSOLIDATION Council shall promote the infilling and consolidation of existing Commercial Corridors.