Maximum Building Height of 16 m whereas Zoning By-law 8600 requires a Maximum Building Height of 14 m
As demonstrated above, the subject lands are an appropriate location for Residential – Medium Profile development. The proposed development is for a 4 storey apartment building whereas the Medium Profile policies of the OP permit development up to 6 stories. The existing CD2.1 zone permits heights up to 14 m.
The proposed increase in height is appropriate and below the permissions in the OP. The apartment building is proposed to be located towards the intersection of Edgar Street and Lauzon Road, to maximize the distance to the single and semi-detached dwellings to the west.
Minimum Front Yard Depth (Edgar Street) of 3 m whereas Zoning By-law 8600 requires a Minimum Front Yard Depth of 6 m
Edgar Street is considered the Front Yard for the purpose of the By-law. Reducing the setback from 6 m to 3 m is appropriate in order to facilitate orienting the apartment building closer to the intersection. There are no reasonable negative impacts from this reduction on the lands to the north designated Commercial Corridor.
Minimum Landscape Open Space of 31% whereas Zoning By-law 8600 requires a Minimum Landscape Open Space of 35%
There are nearby open space opportunities at Little River Park, rendering the proposed reduction in Landscape Open Space reasonable and supportable. A reduction of 4% is modest and will facilitate the proposed development, which is a desirable land use and built form for the subject lands and surrounding area.
The RD3.1(X) zone will facilitate the development of the concept site plan. A Site Plan application will be required to implement the proposed development after the OPA & ZBA applications.