
Council shall support transit by planning for compact mixed-use, higher density residential, commercial and employment development within concentrated nodes and corridors that are adjacent to higher order transit corridors.

The subject lands are along a City Corridor with transit services. Furthermore, the lands are located at the intersection of a Class I Arterial Road and Class II Collector Road, and along a Bikeway. The subject lands are an appropriate location for higher density residential land uses.


To maximize and optimize the use of existing infrastructure and corridors prior to the extension and creation of new ones.

The subject lands are within the urban area of Windsor with full access to municipal services without the need for extension. The proposed development will alleviate development pressure on new greenfield locations.


Council shall require all new developments to have full municipal infrastructure available, or agreements in place to provide such infrastructure, as a condition of approving a development proposal.

The subject lands have access to full municipal services. A Site Plan Agreement will be entered into through the Site Plan approval process.


Council, in consultation with appropriate public agencies may require a proponent of development to submit studies of stormwater runoff and its impact on the water quality and quantity of receiving watercourse based on the Ministry of Environment’s current provincial guideline manual for stormwater management design.

A Stormwater Retention Brief (the “Brief”) has been submitted in support of the proposed applications as required by staff. The Brief addresses the requirements of this policy.


Council shall require proponents of development that require stormwater management systems to:

(a) Use stormwater management measures to manage the storage and controlled flow of water to receiving watercourses;