The subject lands are within a built-up area of Windsor with adequate community services and open spaces in the immediate area.

(d) public transportation service can be provided.

The subject lands are along Lauzon Road, which has existing public transit routes.


At the time of submission, the proponent shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Municipality that a proposed residential development within an area having a Neighbourhood development pattern is:

(a) feasible having regard to the other provisions of this Plan, provincial legislation, policies and appropriate guidelines and support studies for uses:

(i) within or adjacent to any area identified on Schedule C: Development Constraint Areas and described in the Environment chapter of this Plan;

The subject lands are not within or adjacent to any features identified on Schedule C.

(ii) adjacent to sources of nuisance, such as noise, odour, vibration and dust;

The subject lands are not adjacent to sources of odour, vibration and dust. A Noise Study has been completed with respect to noise sources along Lauzon Road and the recommendations will be implemented via Site Plan conditions of approval.

(iii) within a site of potential or known contamination;

The subject lands are not a potential or known location of contamination. A RSC will be completed in accordance with Ontario Regulations at Site Plan.

(iv) where traffic generation and distribution is a provincial or municipal concern; and

Traffic generation and distribution has not been identified through the Pre-Submission process as a concern. As such, a Traffic Impact Statement (“TIS”) has not been required in support of the applications.

(v) adjacent to heritage resources.