promote and present an attractive and unifying image of Windsor;
maintain a sense of welcome and arrival for travelers;
create a memorable impression of Windsor; and
complement and enhance the Municipality’s capital investment in major infrastructure.
Civic Way policies (policy and policy denotes the significance of roads designated as Civic Ways on Schedule G: Civic Image, and directs policies for public infrastructure development.
An amendment to the Official Plan is required because the commercial corridor land use designation only permits retail, wholesale store and service oriented uses and, to a lesser extent, office uses.
The Commercial Corridor policies (policy and stipulate that Council shall promote the infilling and consolidating of existing Commercial Corridors and discourage the development of new Commercial Corridors or the extension of existing Commercial Corridors. This application is infilling of existing vacant commercial properties that were never developed for commercial uses.
The Residential policies (policy and stipulates location and evaluation criteria for Residential development. The proposed development meets the locational criteria which includes access to a collector road, full services, adequate open spaces and community services, and public transportation service.
The subject property is not adjacent to any identified development constraints, a site of known contamination, and traffic generation and distribution is not a provincial or municipal concern. The proposed development is adjacent to residential uses which is considered a sensitive land use, however the change from commercial to residential would be less impactful on the existing residential than a new commercial development. A detached garage structure is proposed along the west side of the site, with a 1.5 metre setback with fencing and landscaping from the existing residential. The main building containing the proposed dwelling units is proposed with a setback of 30m from the existing residential abutting the site.
The land use policies associated with the Residential Land Use designation support a complementary range of housing forms and tenures in all neighbourhoods, promote compact neighbourhoods which encourage a balanced transportation system, promote selective residential redevelopment, infill and intensification initiatives. The proposed development is a compatible residential housing type that will contribute to the types of housing forms in the neighbourhood.
All amendments to the Zoning By-law(s) shall conform with this Plan. The Municipality will, on each occasion of approval of a change to the zoning by-law(s), specify that conformity with the Official Plan is maintained or that the