3. THAT the following items BE REFERRED to the Site Plan Review Committee, for inclusion in a Site Plan Control Agreement:

  1. Mitigation measures as identified in noise report by JJ Acoustic Engineering Ltd. dated April 9th 2020.

  2. A gratuitous land conveyance for a 6.1m x 6.1m corner cut-off at the intersection of Lauzon Road and Edgar Street.

  3. The owner is to provide a minimum total of thirty (30) 70mm caliper trees on the site as a condition of Site Plan Approval. If the owner's landscape plan cannot support the minimum requirement of trees, then any deficiency to that requirement is to be compensated with Cash-in-lieu to the Parks Department (for trees to be planted elsewhere in the city) at a rate of $450 per tree that is not able to be planted on the site.

Report Number: S 90/2020

Clerk’s File: ZO/13912

Clerk’s Note: The recommendation of the Standing Committee and Administration are the same.