Item No. 8.3

Council Report: C 198/2020

Subject: Revised Appointment of Drainage Engineer - Talsma and Janisse Drains - Ward 10


Date to Council: October 19, 2020
Author: Andrew Dowie
Engineer III
(519) 255-6257 ext. 6490
Design and Development
Report Date: October 5, 2020
Clerk’s File #: AS2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


That CR340/2020 BE RESCINDED; and,

That the firm of BairdAE Inc. BE APPOINTED as the engineer of record under the Drainage Act to prepare a report to inform Council of the drainage works project, if any, that is required to address the ongoing use of the Talsma and Janisse Drains and their designations as Municipal Drains.

Executive Summary:


At the Meeting of Council of Monday, July 13, 2020, CR340/2020 was adopted as follows:

“That the firm of BairdAE Inc. BE APPOINTED as the engineer of record to prepare a report under Section 78 of the Drainage Act to inform Council on the drainage works project, if any, that is required to address the ongoing use of the Talsma Drain and designation as a Municipal Drain.”


Section 78 of the Drainage Act speaks to the appointment of an engineer of record for improvements to drains in which a By-law has been previously adopted.

To date, the original By-law that would have been adopted by the Township of Sandwich West has not been located.