Risk Analysis:

Associated risks to the Corporation resulting from carrying out the recommendations in the report include risks typical of any construction project, such as bodily injury, property damage, and matters arising from violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. These risks will be transferred to the successful contractor, through the agreement entered into. As part of the agreement with the successful contractor, the contractor will be required to provide proof of insurance to the Corporation, as well as indemnify the Corporation from any claims which may arise from their work during or after construction.

Financial Matters:

The Ministry of Transportation has previously committed to pay all costs associated with the engineering and preparation of the Drainage Report as identified in CR511/2016. There are no costs to the City related to the drainage report, except for staff time to oversee the consultant’s work. These costs will be charged to and managed within the department’s Operating Budget.

All expenses associated with any repair and improvements (construction phase) to the Marentette-Mangin Drain, as identified in the report, will be assessed to the City of Windsor. The estimated cost to undertake the recommended repairs and improvements for construction and construction related engineering services in this report is estimated at $113,438.66 in 2020 dollars. Any recommended repairs that are carried out as outlined in this report will be charged to project # 007-2950-9998-02942-7086004 (Drain Maintenance) where sufficient budget funding is available to undertake this work.


Victor Ferranti, Manager of Capital Budget & Reserves

Carrie McCrindle, Financial Planning Administrator

Andrew Dowie, Engineer III/Drainage Superintendent

Fahd Mikhael, Manager Design and Development


This Department recommends that City Council pass the Provisional By-law to adopt the drainage report entitled, “Drainage Report for the Marentette-Mangin Drain in the City of Windsor, County of Essex”, May 1, 2020, in accordance with Section 45 of the Drainage Act, and approve the estimated construction cost and construction related services for the recommended repairs and improvements.