Item No. 8.1

Council Report: C 189/2020

Subject: A Provisional By-Law for the Repair and Improvement to the Marentette-Mangin Drain - Ward 1


Date to Council: October 19, 2020
Author: Paul Mourad
Project Administrator
519-255-6100 ext 6119
Engineering - Projects
Report Date: September 23, 2020
Clerk’s File #: SW2020

To: Mayor and Members of City Council


  1. That Council ADOPT the drainage report entitled, “Drainage Report for the Marentette-Mangin Drain in the City of Windsor, County of Essex”, dated May 1, 2020, as prepared by Landmark Engineers Inc., by Provisional By-law ____/2020 in accordance with Section 45 of the Drainage Act; and

  2. That Council APPROVE the estimated cost of $113,438.66 to proceed with the recommended repairs and improvements outlined in this report to be charged to project # 007-2950-9998-02942-7086004 (Drain Maintenance).

Executive Summary: NA


The Marentette-Mangin Drain originates just north of Lambton Street and west of the Herb Gray Parkway and ultimately outlets to the Grand Marais Drain to the south. The drain, as well as the watershed that it lies within, have changed substantially over the past few decades. As development progresses, open drains become enclosed as formerly undeveloped parts of the city are urbanized. Urbanization began in the late 1980s and additional changes were caused by construction of the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway completed in 2015. The present day watershed contains a mixture of residential lands, open wooded areas and portions of the Parkway corridor. Construction of the Parkway eliminated the upstream end of the drain to the north. The remaining open drain acts as an outlet to one of the Parkway’s storm detention ponds.