Diversity Committee
Meeting Minutes July 

Moved by S. Bhuiyan, seconded by Y. Huff,
That the Office of the Mayor and Windsor Police Services BE REQUESTED to ensure that the Diversity Committee BE INCLUDED in all future panel discussions regarding “racism has no place in our society”.

4.2 Phase 2 of the Diversity & Inclusion Plan Subcommittee

R. Al-Saadi, Chair of the Diversity & Inclusion Plan Subcommittee advises the subcommittee recently met several times via teleconference. The following questions to glean the thoughts of the community regarding such topics as the Diversity & Inclusion Plan, Windsor Police Services and employment in the City of Windsor are proposed:

  1. What are your thoughts surrounding the Diversity and Inclusion initiative as supported by the City of Windsor? (may have to describe the initiative in one statement.

  2. With respect to any encounters/communications between both the Windsor Police Services and the City of Windsor staff with members of your community, were they treated with respect and professionalism? Did they feel treated differently because of their race, language or colour?

  3. Do you believe the City should collect race-based data within all areas under its jurisdiction? Please explain your viewpoint/perspective.

  4. Speaking from a personal or group perspective, what are some areas of success that you have experienced in the Windsor-Essex community? Please give some examples.

  5. How can the City of Windsor help foster more of the successes and positive experiences of your group to encourage active participation in the community at large?

  6. What are the three most important areas that the city may assist your community best?

  7. With respect to gainful and meaningful employment within the City of Windsor managed places of employment, would your community like to see an internship program that addresses the matter of Canadian Experience as a barrier to gaining employment in their areas of specializations? Can you give examples of some parameters that should be integrated into this internship program?

  8. Would you like to see the city implement Employment Equity? If yes, please share what measures the City can take to ensure Employment equity in fact exists