Diversity Committee
Meeting Minutes 

3.  Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by S. John, seconded by Y. Huff,
That the minutes of the Diversity Committee of its meeting held May 14, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.

4. Business Items

4.1 Review of the Diversity Committee Terms of Reference and Mandate

The Diversity Committee Terms of Reference and Mandate is provided as background information.

The Chair expresses concern that the Diversity Committee was not invited to participate in the Zoom meeting held June 19, 2020, which was coordinated through the Mayor’s Office and Windsor Police Services. The topic of discussion was “Racism has no Place in our Society”.

N. MacEachrane reports he was asked through the Mayor’s Office to invite Black leaders in the community to participate in the panel discussion and that the exclusion of the Diversity Committee was merely an oversight.

In response to a question asked by the Chair regarding the rationale for the Mayor and Windsor Police to host the panel discussion. N. MacEachrane responds the Mayor and the Chief of Police are the leaders of the city and they wanted to see what the city can do differently to move forward. He said this was only the first discussion and there will be more.

G. Jones indicates she was unaware of the panel discussion held June 19, 2020 until after it took place. She adds that the initiative appears to have commenced with the Mayor and the Police and that as a result, N. MacEachrane was the Diversity and Inclusion Officer involved in the project.

N. MacEachrane states that Windsor Police Services has embarked on an initiative to form advisory committees that represent the diverse population within the city. He adds gathering feedback from these groups will assist in creating policies for training and recruitment. This initiative will be launched in the fall 2020.

R. Al-Saadi suggests that the Diversity Committee be included in such initiatives going forward.