Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

2. Disclosure of Interest

None disclosed.

3. Adoption of the Minutes

Moved by E. Hill, seconded by Councillor McKenzie,

That the minutes of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee of its meeting held February 11, 2020 BE ADOPTED as presented.


4. Business Items

4.1 COVID-19 Updates from the Housing Department & HHAC Members

D. Cercone provides the following updates relating to COVID-19 and the Housing Department, City of Windsor:

Soon after the pandemic began, the provincial and federal government provided additional funding to assist the Housing Department in supporting its funded agencies and vulnerable populations.

The table below provides an overview of the initial funding streams and allocations.

Funding StreamFunding MinistryAmountDate of AllocationPurpose / Guidelines
Social Services Relief (SSRF) FundMinistry of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH)$3.7 millionApr 1, 2020To help social service providers such as emergency shelters, food bank, supportive housing to deliver their critical services, hire additional staff and find ways to promote social distancing and self-isolation.Falls under the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) guidelines.
Canada’sCOVIDEconomicResponsePlanEmployment & Social Development Canada (ESDC)$1.47 millionApr 1, 2020To provide assistance to organizations attending to the needs of people experiencing or at risk of homelessness during the pandemic.
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM)n/a$34,000Jun 3, 2020To provide COVID-19 vulnerable populations.related supports to
COVID 19:TemporaryPandemic PayMMAH$307,235Jun 12, 2020To provide pandemic pay increase of $4 / hour and lump sum payments ($250 / month) for eligible employers and employees for the period