Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee

Meeting held June 23, 2020 via Zoom Video Conference

A meeting of the Housing & Homelessness Advisory Committee is held this day at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom video conference there being present the following members:

Marina Clemens, Chair
Councillor Kieran McKenzie
Jessica Brunet
Fiona Coughlin (arrives at 9:50 a.m.)
Phil Dorner
Kathy Hay
Eric Hill
Jim Steele
Leigh Vachon (arrives at 9:50 a.m.)
Joyce Zuk

Regrets received from:

Anna Angelidis

Also present are the following resource personnel:

Debbie Cercone, Executive Director of Housing & Children’s Services
Chris Aspila, Planner III
Judith Binder, CMHC
Jeannie Diamond Francis, County of Essex
Kelly Goz, Coordinator, Housing Administration & Development
Tina Moore, Coordinator, Housing Administration & Development
George Robinson, Planner II
Jolayne Susko, Coordinator, Housing Administration & Policy
Jennifer Tanner, Manager Homelessness & Housing Support
Karen Kadour, Committee Coordinator

1. Call to Order

The Chair calls the meeting to order at 9:40 o’clock a.m. and the Committee considers the Agenda being Schedule A attached hereto, matters which are dealt with as follows: