requiring Council direction where time does not permit holding a special meeting of Council and/or quorum of Council cannot physically convene to consider a matter. The results of a poll must be confirmed and ratified at the next public meeting of Council”.


The current mandatory mask by-law indicates that it will expire at 12:01 am on Monday, September 28, 2020 unless extended by City Council. Council does not meet in public session until 12:00 o’clock noon on September 28, 2020. Therefore, an email poll was authorized by Mayor Dilkens and undertaken by the Deputy City Clerk so that the by-law be extended until the threat of COVID19 subsides and Council chooses to revoke the by-law. The email poll was approved unanimously. The reasons in support of this are:

The Health Unit is expanding the scope of its orders to include libraries.

Risk Analysis:

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapid rate at which the situation is changing, this resolution was put forward for Council’s consideration via email poll as it was an emergency situation requiring Council direction prior to the expiration of By-law 123-2020 at 12:01 o’clock a.m. on Monday, September 28, 2020.

Financial Matters:



It is recommended that the results of the email poll conducted on September 24, 2020, be confirmed and ratified.

Planning Act Matters: N/A


