City Council
Monday, September 14, 2020

Decision Number: CR451/2020

  1. That the Chief Building Official BE AUTHORIZED to issue a demolition permit for the residential dwelling located at 1044-1054 Howard Avenue to facilitate redevelopment of the property; and,

  2. That the Chief Building Official BE DIRECTED to require, as a condition of the demolition permit, that:

    1. Redevelopment be substantially complete within two years of demolition permit issuance; and,

    2. If redevelopment, including construction of a new building, is not substantially complete within two years of the commencement of demolition the maximum penalty ($20,000) shall be entered on the collectors roll of the property; and,

  3. That the City Solicitor BE DIRECTED to register a notice of condition detailed in Recommendation II (b) in the land registry office against the property, if the redevelopment is not substantially complete within two years of the commencement of demolition.


Report Number: C 171/2020

Clerk’s File: SB2020

8.2. Proposed Concrete Curb and Gutter, Storm Sewer, and Boulevard Restoration on Curry Ave. from Norfolk St. to Richardie Blvd. (Ward 1)

Moved by: Councillor Gignac

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Report Number: C 179/2020

Clerk’s File: ST2020

Decision Number: CR452/2020

  1. That Council APPROVE the construction of curb and gutter, storm sewer and boulevard restoration on Curry Avenue between Norfolk St. and Richardie Blvd., as shown on attached Drawing C-3571 and the attached memo from the City Engineer to address the requirements of Local Improvement Program under the provisions of the Ontario Regulation 586/06; and,

  2. That the requirements regarding the notices to the public and owners of the lots liable to be specially charged with respect to the work, as required by Section 6 of Ontario Regulation 586/06, BE UNDERTAKEN, said notices to be in content as per the report of the City Engineer and that this Local Improvement be made subject to the Local Improvement Policy; and,

  3. That the net City costs of approximately $1,438,000 BE FUNDED from Project ID # 7171002- Local Improvement - Infrastructure.