City Council
Monday, September 14, 2020

No. Sender Subject
7.1.2 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal 1214621 Ontario Inc. (VIP Nite Club) v. City of Windsor case heard August 14, 2020 by video hearing. Memorandum of oral decision delivered by R.A. Beccarea on August 14, 2020 and order of the tribunal, Case No. LC160037City Solicitor Deputy City SolicitorMMA2020 Note & File
7.1.3 Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Power Cycle Inc. v. City of Windsor case heard August 17, 2020 by telephone conference call. Memorandum of oral decision delivered by R.A. Beccarea on August 17, 2020 and order of the tribunal, Case No. LC150015City Solicitor Deputy City SolicitorGP2020 Note & File
7.1.4 Town of Tecumseh Notice that the Town of Tecumseh will hold a virtual/electronic public meeting Tuesday, September 8, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. to consider a proposed Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment to the Sandwich South Zoning By-law 85-18 pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990City Planner Deputy City Solicitor Chief Building Official Development Applications ClerkGM2020 Note & File