Table 3d: Noise Impact Table – Nighttime Period (23:00-07:00), 1.5 m impact height, Scenerio 3

  POR1 (dBA) POR2 (dBA) POR3 (dBA)
Truck - Movement 29.5 28.5 26.3
Truck - Idle 35.4 32.6 46.9

For the identified noise sources, the measured source sound pressures have been corrected for distance, directional characteristics, and other absorption effects before conversion to sound power level and subsequent prediction of the sound level at the points of reception. For this, the model uses the following general equation:

𝐿௪ = 𝐿௉ + 20 log(𝑟) + 11 ± 𝐷𝐼ఏ ± 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 & 𝑎𝑡𝑚𝑜𝑠𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

Using the Brüel & Kjær Predictor software, the impact on the identified PORs from the truck noise sources, in absence of any ambient noise contributors from nearby road and rail traffic or other stationary noise sources was calculated. Appendix I contains the input values used for the Predictor model. Appendix E provides the output from one of the Predictor models, which includes the identifying labels for the three representative points of reception (PORs). It is worth noting that every effort was taken in the above analysis to present a worst-case scenario.


The following section details the assessment of the predicted noise levels at the representative locations.

Table 4: Acoustic Assessment Summary Table

Scenario POR ID PredictedDaytime Sound Level at Property Line 1.5 mHeight (dBA) Predicted Nighttime Sound Level at Property Line, 1.5 mHeight (dBA) Performance Limit (LAeq) Day and Night at Property Line Compliance with PerformanceLimits (Yes/No)
1 POR1 34.2 33.9 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
POR2 36.2 36.0 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
POR3 35.5 35.4 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes
2 POR1 36.7 36.1 60 (Day) & 50 (Night) Yes