2.7. Milestones

  Milestone Target
Phase 1 Announcement of successful Grant funding (estimated date) Q3 2020
RFP - Retain Program and Concept design Consultant August 2020
Community Engagement and Project Program Refinement Dec 2020
Steering Committee adopts Project Program Jan 2021
Conceptual Designs of City Hall Square and Civic Esplanade May 2021
Adoption of Conceptual Design* June 2021
Phase 2 Engage Archaeological Consultant June, 2021
Detailed Design, and Tender** June - February 2022
Construction of City Hall Square Plaza** May - December 2022
Start of Operations** January 2023

2.8. Risks

Risks are inherent in any project. Designing and constructing a large civic space such as the one being proposed inherently carries a degree of risk. Administration has undertaken measures where applicable in order to reduce the noted risks. A listing of the main risks as well as the mitigating measures can be found in Appendix C.