Decision Number: CR417/2020

That the report of the Manager of Energy Initiatives, dated July 16, 2020, related to Energy Initiative projects, BE RECEIVED for information.

Report Number: C 148/2020

Clerk’s File: MU/8327

7.3. Response to CQ10-2019 Regarding Housing Development and Regulation in Near-Campus Neighbourhoods - City Wide

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR418/2020

That the report of the Executive Initiatives Coordinator dated July 1, 2020 entitled “Response to CQ10-2019 Regarding Housing Developments and Regulation in Near-Campus Neighbourhoods” BE RECEIVED for information; and further,

That administration BE DIRECTED to prepare a further report on options for a residential rental licence city-wide, for consideration at an October 2020 meeting of Council.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Holt

Decision Number: CR419/2020

That administration BE DIRECTED to draft a letter to petition members of provincial parliament and the Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities and any other relevant ministries, to look into and pass legislation to require post-secondary institutions to build more student housing on campus.

Moved by: Councillor Costante

Seconded by: Councillor Francis

Decision Number: CR420/2020

That the report back related to residential uses being reviewed as part of the Residential Interim Control By-law Study adopted by Council on July 13, 2020 also INCLUDE more units than have been prescribed that are less than five dwelling units, taking into account some of the ideas that have been implemented in Oshawa, Ottawa and Waterloo.

Report Number: C 137/2020

Clerk’s File: GH/6905