2017 Fleet Replacement Program (7171021) $50,000 Anticipated surplus is a result of favourable tender pricing from initial budget estimates.
GPS Line Painting Equipment (7171058) ($21,156) Project deficit is due to a result of temporary financing and programming costs over the original capital budget funding. Administration is recommending funding this negative variance with a transfer of surplus funds in project 7181033 – Ditch Cutting Equipment once that project receives the balance of it’s funding in 2022
Fuel Site Improvements – Ward 3 (7181030) ($20,000) Anticipated deficit is a result of unexpected remediation work that was required at the Fire Headquarters fuel site.
Ditch Cutting Equipment –Vacant Properties(7181033) $41,284 Anticipated surplus is a result of a used piece of equipment purchase which reduced the total acquisition costs. Administration is recommending that in 2022 when the funding for this project is available $21,156 in anticipated surplus funding be allocated to project 7171058 - GPS Line Painting Equipment to mitigate the negative variance.

Technical Support:

There is only one project active in this area that is being administered by the Technical Support division. The Information Hansen Management System project (7209001) is expected to come in on budget.

Transit Windsor:

There are 21 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by Transit Windsor. There are nine projects as identified in the table below that are anticipated a net negative variance of approximately $54,270:

Projects with ProjectedDeficit/Surplus (Deficit)/SurplusAmount Brief Explanation
2017 Fuel System Improvements (7171035) ($2,500) Anticipated deficit is due to a temporary financing cost variance as a result of funding not available until future years.
TW Property Safety Assessment (7171036) ($3,300) Anticipated deficit is due to a temporary financing cost variance as a result of funding not available until future years.