Projects with ProjectedDeficit/Surplus (Deficit)/SurplusAmount Brief Explanation
S.W.I.F.T (7193001) Network $4,000 Anticipated surplus is a result of actual costs lower than initial budget estimates.

Office of Community Development and Health Services

Huron Lodge:

There are 9 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by Huron Lodge. No project variance is anticipated as all of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Office of Parks, Recreation, Culture and Facilities

Facility Operations:

There are 35 active capital projects in this area administered by the Facilities department. Only one project as identified below is anticipating a surplus variance of $4,930.

Projects with ProjectedDeficit/Surplus (Deficit)/SurplusAmount Brief Explanation
The Bistro – Lease Renegotiation (7101025) $4,930 Anticipated surplus is a result of actual costs lower than budget estimates.


There are only 2 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Forestry division. No project variance is anticipated as both of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Parks Operations: 

There are only 4 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Parks Operations division. No project variance is anticipated as both of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Parks Design & Development: 

There are 36 active capital projects in this area administered by the Parks Design & Development department. There are eleven projects that are anticipating a net negative variance totalling approximately $377 as noted below: