Projects with ProjectedDeficit/Surplus (Deficit)/SurplusAmount Brief Explanation
Regional Parks (7129002) $113,410 This project is able to be closed however pending final funding of $5,000 precludes the actual project closing until January 2021. The projected surplus is certain and a result of favourable tender pricing from initial budget estimates. Administration is recommending transferring this known surplus over to project 7181026 – Jackson Park to finalize and cover the paving cost of the parking lot.
Tecumseh/Brock Memorial (7151020) $72,043 Project is complete and can be closed. Surplus is a result of favourable tender pricing from initial budget estimates. Administration is recommending transferring $28,000 of the surplus to project 7171066 – Dog Park-Malden Road and the surplus balance of $44,043 to project 7171076 – Forest Glade Basketball Courts to mitigate project budget shortfalls in those projects.
Realtor Park – Splash Pad/Washrooms (7171056) $42,973 Project is complete and can be closed. Surplus is a result of favourable tender pricing from initial budget estimates. Administration is recommending transferring $10,000 of the surplus to project 7171073 – Realtor Park – Tennis Courts, $9,957 of the surplus to project 7171076 – Forest Glade Basketball Courts and the surplus balance of $23,016 to project 7181041 – Bruce Ave. Park Redevelopment to mitigate project budget shortfalls in those projects.
Mic Mac Park Capital Improvements (7171065) $389,555 This project is complete with projected surplus, however unable to be closed due to pending future funding in 2021. Surplus is a result of favourable tender pricing from initial budget estimates. Administration is recommending transferring the surplus to project 7201020 – Mic Mac Park Bleachers once the project is full funded and able to be closed to mitigate project budget shortfall in that project and to then close the project.