Office of the City Solicitor

Fire and Rescue:

There are 6 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Fire and Rescue department. No project variance is anticipated as all of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Legal Services:

There are 11 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Legal Department. There are two projects with uncertainty as to whether the project will be on budget or not as noted below:

Projects with ProjectedDeficit/Surplus (Deficit)/SurplusAmount Brief Explanation
Springarden Expropriation ANSI TBD There is much uncertainty on this project’s variance as it is tied to legal proceedings which have not yet been finalized.
99 CP (7995537) Railway Cut TBD There is much uncertainty on this project’s variance as it is tied to legal proceedings which have not yet been finalized.

Planning and Building Development:

There are 18 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Planning department. No project variance is anticipated as all of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Transportation Planning:

There are 10 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Planning department. No project variance is anticipated as all of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Office of the City Clerk

Windsor Public Library:

There are only 6 active capital projects in this area that are being administered by the Windsor Public Library and the Development, Projects and ROW department. No project variance is anticipated as all of these projects are currently expected to come in on budget.

Records and Elections: