from Hamlet Commercial zone under Zoning By-law 85-18 to Commercial District 3.3 under Zoning By-law 8600 with a holding prefix, so as to facilitate the construction of a Hotel.

Availability of municipal sanitary sewer – construct, or agree to construct, sanitary sewer extension from existing municipal sanitary sewer trunk within the subject area to the subject land, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Local Improvement Works – sign petitions for and not to oppose the construction, under the provisions of Ontario Regulation 586/06 for local improvements, of a sanitary sewer abutting the subject lands.

Sewer Connections – obtain a permit from the Engineering Department to connect the private sanitary connection to the future service provided at the property line.

Land Conveyance for road widening purposes – gratuitous conveyance of

to the Corporation, in fee simple and without encumbrance, in accordance with the requirements of the County Road 42 portion of the Lauzon Parkway Environmental Assessment Report, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Corner Cut-Off – gratuitous conveyance of a corner cut-off sufficient in magnitude to facilitate improvements at the 7th Concession Road/County Road 42 Intersection, in accordance with the requirements of the County Road 42 Portion of the Lauzon Parkway Environmental Assessment Report, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

Sidewalks – at the discretion of the City Engineer,

  1. Construct at their expense and according to City of Windsor Standard Specifications, a concrete sidewalk along the entire 7th Concession Rd and Baseline Road frontages of the subject lands. All work to be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer; or

  2. Pay to the Corporation the sum of $25,000.00 being the Owner’s contribution towards the future construction of a concrete sidewalk along the entire 7th Concession Rd and Baseline Road frontages of the subject lands.

Curbs and Gutters – at the discretion of the City Engineer,