City Council
Monday, June 1, 2020

CQ 13-2020:
Assigned to City Engineer

Asks for a report from Administration outlining the phasing of each component of Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund (DMAF) 1&2 along with funding sources to be presented at the next meeting of Council.

Clerk’s File: AF2020

18.4. CQ 14-2020

Moved by: Councillor Francis

Seconded by: Councillor Gignac

Decision Number: CR295/2020

That the following Council Question by Councillor Costante BE APPROVED, and that Administration BE DIRECTED to proceed with the necessary actions to respond to the Council Question in the form of a written report, consistent with Council’s instructions, and in accordance with Section 17.1 of the Procedure By-law 98-2011:

CQ 14-2020:

Assigned to City Planner

Asks for Administration to report back on timelines for University Avenue West Environmental Assessment (EA) and Wyandotte Avenue Community Improvement Plan (CIP) and University Avenue West CIP for next meeting of council.

Clerk’s File: Z/10320


Moved by: Councillor Holt

Seconded by: Councillor Kaschak

That this Council meeting stand adjourned until the next regular meeting of Council or at the call of the Mayor.

Accordingly, the meeting is adjourned at 3:36 o'clock p.m.

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                              Mayor                                                  City Clerk