The following is a summary of the sensitive land use or areas of concern, located within 150 metres, 250 metres, and 500 metres of the proposed store at 3395 Howard Avenue, Windsor. A visual map is also attached.

Sensitive Land Use or Area of Concern Name Address Distance from Retailer (metres)
Park and playground KENILWORTH 3466 Whiteside Dr, Windsor 150
Tobacco & E-cigarettes FAY MART 3395 Howard Rd, Windsor, N9E 3N6 150
Park and playground COMPTON COURT 600 Compton Crt, Windsor 250
Cannabis SESSIONS WINDSOR 650 Division Rd, Unit 402, Windsor, N8X 5E7 500

In addition to the abovementioned areas of concern, the proposed cannabis retailer is also located within a residential area experiencing moderate to high levels of social inequity using a validated measure of inequity.

Should the City of Windsor wish to provide feedback regarding this application to the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission, the WECHU is able to provide additional consultation and support.

If you have any questions, would like to discuss these recommendations, or if you are interested in enhancing your current policy statement, I would be happy to arrange a meeting by phone or in person at your earliest convenience.

Thank you,

Theresa Marentette, RN, MSc
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Nursing Officer
Windsor Essex County Health Unit
1005 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, N9A 4J8
Ph. 519-258-2146 ext. 1475
Fx. 519-258-6003



  1. Liem, S. (2018). Alcohol policy review: Opportunities for Ontario municipalities. Retrieved from Final.pdf.aspx