Executive summary

Safety context 

Safety and security are closely interrelated concepts that pertain to protection of lives and assets. Security is the broader concept that involves having the infrastructure (both physical and social) in place creating the context for safety.

Safety is the experience of being free from risk of harm, and the knowledge and preparation to deal with risk when it arises.

We focused on the security and safety risks related to eight (8) downtown (including two (2) municipal parking garages) City of Windsor properties.

Safety numbers for the eight sites

Project purpose

We conducted an assessment of the internal controls and processes, assessment management has implemented to achieve the three objectives related to Security Incident Prevention and Mitigation managed by the City of Windsor (the City). These related to:

Specific scope, objectives and exclusions are described in Appendix B.

What we did

To conduct our work we completed various activities to achieve our objectives by covering three (3) risk domains including Workplace, Occupation, and Services. Our activities included, but were not limited to: