2. Broader ​ Employee Base Considerations:





Does the City have a formal policy for flexible work arrangements?

We obtained and inspected the Flex Time policy and noted that the policy is in place for full time employees who maintain a working week of five days. The policy allows employees to vary their specific working hours, while maintaining a five day work week. Management indicated that the approval of flex time requests are conditional and must meet a number of criteria before being approved. Additionally, the policy indicates that employees are required to be present during the core business hours of 9:30 am to 3:30 pm.


Does the City have a formal policy with regards to employees who desire, or wish to, hold employment and additional employment loyalties outside the City, where the City is the primary employer?

A Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Staff and Volunteers Policy is in place which is overseen by the CAO’s office. The Policy indicates that in such instances as described above, the employee is required to complete the Conflict of Interest form. Such forms are monitored and tracked by the CAO’s office.

Standards of Employee Deportment Policy also exist which are considered for the disciplining of the employee.

Further, time away from work, (if longer than lunch) is to be recorded in the Workforce Management time and attendance system (WFM) and should be approved by the manager/supervisor.

We inspected the City's code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest policies and noted specific language pertaining to employees who hold additional employment outside of the City of Windsor Corporation. The policy also includes disclosure requirements which allow several ways for the conflict of interest to be disclosed. Disclosure can be made by the employee in the potential conflict, by another employee who is aware of a potential conflict or anonymously by reporting to the Chief Administrative Office.


How many personnel does the City have working in such flexible positions across the City?

We inquired with management and noted that since 2016, five active employees have completed Conflict of Interest disclosures (with respect to such employment arrangements). Management indicated that the employee’s secondary employment may continue beyond the year the disclosure form was submitted.

The City was not readily able to provide a count or listing of all active employees working in flexible positions.


How many personnel does the City have who are working such flexible schedules and are also employed by or providing significant time services to other organizations?

We were informed that there are other staff members who are on a flex schedule for a variety of reasons due to the nature of their job. The office of the CAO is aware of five employees who have signed conflict of interest forms.


For these alternative approaches how does the City know each employee is completing their weekly 35 hours? How does the City know the hours reported were actually worked, that the expected outcomes were achieved?

We were informed that the City operates with the philosophy that Non-Unionized staff are salaried employees and are compensated on a salary basis. All Executive Directors, Managers, and Supervisors are required to ensure appropriate timekeeping is maintained, reported, and approved within the WFM time and attendance system.

We obtained and inspected the city's hours of work policy (Hours of Work/Overtime for Non-Union Policy). The policy outlines that alternative working schedules may be allowed, given appropriate approval. The regular business hours of the City are Monday to Friday, for an eight hour period daily, less one hour daily eating period. However, the policy does not explicitly define how time is to be tracked and verified. Alternative working schedules may be authorized in order to best support the needs of an office.