Executive summary

Allegation information

A complaint was received via Concerned Citizen and Employee Hotline which lead to an investigation of the following allegation by Internal Audit under the oversight of the City’s Auditor General:

A named employee was not working their expected hours and was departing City operations during business hours to earn additional income elsewhere.

Investigation approach

For the allegation noted above we developed investigative procedures specific to the named employee as well as items to address the broader employee base. These procedures included items such as:

Named Employee Specific Procedures:

Broader Employee Base Considerations: ​

Details of our activities may be found in the Summary of procedures and results section later in this report.

Summary of procedures and findings

Based on the procedures we executed and the results of our testing, a summary of our analysis is included in the Summary of Procedures and Results section of this report.

With regards to the allegation we did not detect evidence to support the allegation as an issue. The named employee does provide services to another organization and receives compensation form that other entity; however, the City has practices in place to manage the flexible work schedule such that the City is aware of the absences and has mechanisms to manage and monitor that the named individual provides the City the employment services for which they are compensated. We did note that formalization of these controls should be enacted. Further, we noted additional improvement which should be implemented for the broader employee base.