City Council
Monday, May 25, 2020
(ZEVIP) for the installation of ten (10) Level-2 electric vehicle charging stations at the locations identified in this report; and,
That City Council DELEGATE AUTHORITY to the City Engineer to approve any recommended site location changes which may be necessary once a more detailed review of the recommended sites is completed; and,
That in the event the City receives written confirmation of the ZEVIP funding being awarded to the
City; the Project’s costs are within their respective budgets as outlined in the Financial Matters section herein; and where the Grant provider confirms that expenditures as of that date are eligible, then City Council APPROVES the following recommendations:
That City Council APPROVE funding for the City’s share for the capital costs related to this project totalling up to $135,985 be funded from the Fleet Replacement Reserve Fund (F136); and,
That City Council AUTHORIZE Administration to seek potential sponsorships to reduce the annual operational costs estimated for this 5-year pilot project; and,
That City Council APPROVE a Request for Proposals (RFP) be issued in accordance with Purchasing By-law 93-2012 and amendments thereto for the purchase of ten (10) dual-port electric vehicle charging stations, including the necessary annual agreements for the maintenance, operation, and connectivity of these units for a 5-year period; and,
The Chief Administrative Officer to BE AUTHORIZED TO DELEGATE signing of all claims and applicable schedules, and other such documents required as part of the request for payment or the submission of a reporting package to the City Engineer or appropriate official, subject to financial content approval from the area’s Financial Planning Administrator or their manager; and,
That the Chief Administrative Officer and the City Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action required to effect the recommendations noted above and sign any required documentation or enter into agreements for participation in the Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program including the successful RFP proponent, satisfactory in legal form to the City Solicitor, in technical content to the City Engineer, and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer / City Treasurer; and,
The Purchasing Manager BE AUTHORIZED to issue the appropriate purchasing documents, including a sole source for the electrical services in compliance under the current Purchasing By-law 93-2012 AMENDED per by-law 145-2014 Sole Source criteria, as may be required to affect the recommendation noted above, subject to all specification being satisfactory in technical content to the City Engineer and in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer and City Treasurer.
Report Number: C 38/2020
Clerk’s File: SR/12080